+18 Millions of people go through their entire lives without meeting anyone from another race. amirite?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I would say there are billions, because there is only one human race

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Yeah, no matter how hard I look, I still haven't met any elves.

by orvillereilly 2 weeks ago

me neither, or Dwarves, though some people have been very convincing

by Damonwitting 2 weeks ago


by Limp_Celery3829 2 weeks ago

Humans have many races. The 100m is not the same as the marathon and this is a hill that am willing to die on.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Apes together strong 💪

by Big-Audience 2 weeks ago

Um there's actually 3 races

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Yup. Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia

by Strong_Cucumber_5130 2 weeks ago

Yeah, talking biologic terms we generally are homo sapiens as a species, and homo sapiens sapiens as a race, and most eurasians are homo sapiens sapiens and homo sapiens neanderthalensis (ofc with a dominance of the homo sapiens sapiens race) I learned this (not specifically for humans but in general) this year in biology (16 years old, Flanders school, in USA i would be sophomore) We humans are of the Genus Homo We humans are of the species Sapiens But because of the definition of race (being able to produce a fertile offspring while being different enough) and we could produce a fertile offspring with neanderthalers, we could conclude that they are the same species as us, so we had to add a race, however because the terms sapiens and neanderthaler have been used so much they just said homo sapiens sapiens and homo sapiens neanderthalensis.

by Worried-Context-1016 2 weeks ago

Wow, this makes me feel quite privileged to live in my country

by No-Room 2 weeks ago

80% nearly do, all those people in Africa china South Korea Middle East are nearly ethno states, not many countries like America where you'll walk down the street and see 5 different races, also many states in America are like that too, not many folks from different races in South Dakota but come to California and you'll be amazed

by qmante 2 weeks ago

Our ancestors met other races

by reba70 2 weeks ago

Had a good old time too.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Early humans met Neanderthals, and uh they are still kind of around.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

They got snu-snu'd away, but a little bit of them still remain.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Yes, some of them lives on in some of us.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

How is that possible? Even people who don't ever leave their small village likely meet travellers.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

There are some places people don't often visit

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It's not rare. It's far more common than you might think. Some places people just don't travel to, or are so remote it's hard to get to.

by CalligrapherAlert 2 weeks ago

I mean, they would all have to be babies dying correct?

by Deliaschumm 2 weeks ago

Try again.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago